Welcome to Dulwich and West Norwood (DaWN) Labour Party

The Dulwich and West Norwood parliamentary constituency covers part of the boroughs of Lambeth and Southwark in South London. The Constituency Labour Party (CLP) has 7 branches covering all or part of 11 wards; 4 branches in Lambeth and 3 in Southwark (We are represented in parliament by our (Labour) MP, Helen Hayes. Helen was re-elected in 2019 with strong support across the whole constituency.


Our branches in Lambeth are:

  • East Brixton (Brixton Windrush Ward and parts of Brixton North and Brixton Rush Common Wards)
  • Gipsy Hill and West Dulwich  (Gipsy Hill and West Dulwich Wards)
  • Herne Hill and Loughborough Junction (Herne Hill and Loughborough Junction Ward)
  • Knight’s Hill and St Martins East (Knight’s Hill and part of St Martin’s Ward)

The branches in Southwark are:

  • Champion Hill
  • Dulwich Village
  • Dulwich Wood

and these all cover the wards with the same names.

Each branch usually meets once a month. The branches elect delegates to DaWN CLP. The branch delegates are joined by delegates from trade unions and affiliated societies and they meet each month as the GC (General Committee). The GC elects the CLP officers at its annual meeting (last held in November 2023).


If you want to check whether you live in DaWN or check which ward you are in, you can use StreetCheck and enter your postcode. You can also use Ordnance Survey Maps to check constituency and ward boundaries.

If you are a member, please join our private Facebook discussion group.

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